Jesus, deity of, lists, theology
#1: The Word John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.“ Jesus was in the beginning (He had no beginning), He was with God, and He was God. The grammatical structure of the passage supports the idea that Jesus was the...
exegesis/exposition, interviews, news
Christopher Cone interviewed by Todd Mathis of Grace Theology Press, November 2015: Tell our audience a little about your ministry. I serve in a few different roles. I am at Southern California Seminary (which is connected to Shadow Mountain Community Church...
ethics, excerpts, hope, politics, priorities, time management
Election Day gives us a sense that we can have some influence over world events. As world events remind us of the frailty of society and of our own lives, attentions are easily drawn to the future. But our attention should not be drawn simply to the great big things...
ecclesiology, leadership, organizational leadership, priorities, success
Presented to the TRACS National Conference, Dallas, TX, October 29, 2015 Download (PDF, 97KB) Download (PDF, 8.23MB) The demise of the church at Ephesus illustrates how difficult it is to safeguard the worldview core of an institution. The church there had...
environment, excerpts, philosophy and film
From my guest article at Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland was initially panned as “George Clooney’s global warming shaming,” but it has much greater aspirations than simply an environmental agenda piece. Roger Ebert recognized a broader ambition when he termed...
calvinism & arminianism, grace, metaphysics, salvation, theology
Presented to the 2015 Free Grace Alliance National Conference, October 13, 2015. Download (PDF, 128KB) INTRODUCTION A literal translation of 1 John 2:2 reads as follows: “And He a propitiation He is for the sins of us, not for those of us only, but also for those of...
book announcements, Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts
Available now from Exegetica Publishing is a new book by Dr. Christopher Cone – Gifted: Understanding the Holy Spirit and Unwrapping Spiritual Gifts. ISBN#: 978-0976593089 Pages: 201 Price: $13 (available at Amazon, and other booksellers) Description: The Christian...
apologetics, dreams, ecclesiology, spiritual warfare, world religions
Nabeel Qureshi, author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, describes the significance of dreams in Islamic culture, saying, In Muslim cultures, generally speaking, people don’t see themselves as being able to commune with God. Communion is a very Christian...
book announcements, exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, theology
Available now, from Publications Chrétiennes is a new book by Dr. Christopher Cone –Introduction à l’herméneutique et à la méthode d’étude biblique, the French translation of Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method. ISBN#978-2-89082-259-7 Pages:...