Does the Bible Teach Eternal Security, “Once Saved Always Saved?”
The question of whether the Bible teaches eternal security or that believers are “once saved always saved” is not uncommon at all. We might recall Nicodemus – a brilliantly educated Jewish leader – asking Jesus how things related to the new birth and...
A Brief Introduction to Transformative Learning
INTRODUCTION While the term transformative learning has been used to describe other education methods (particularly by Jack Mezirow and the model he developed), I use the term extensively and with a different referent altogether. The model I am attempting to describe...
What Disruption Can Mean for Higher Education in Prison
"What Disruption Can Mean for Higher Education in Prison" is presented to the Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prison on June 10, 2024 at Iowa Central Community College. [gview...
“The most effective leadership, management, and efficiency models share traits common with each other, and traits that are ultimately traceable to the pages of the Bible. While these models are often not intentionally rooted in Biblical concepts by those that promote the models, the models illustrate how applying Biblical principles can set a trajectory of success in enterprise and in life. Led By a Lion is designed to introduce some of these leadership, management, and efficiency models, but goes a step further in identifying the Biblical genesis of many of the core traits that fuel the success of these models.”
POST-COVID HIGHER EDUCATION IN MISSISSIPPI: A PORTRAIT OF THREE CHALLENGES FACING PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION EVERYWHERE Dr. Christopher Cone INTRODUCTION While higher education everywhere is impacted by rapid changes in consumer needs, technology, demographics, and...
INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Slides)
These are slides for several of the topics Dr. Cone covered and which are included in INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Vyrsity / CBU). Some course videos are available without a subscription on VyrsityTV while the full collection of course videos are available...
Q&A: Is Being Born Again About Entering the Kingdom or Entering Heaven?
Remember that Jesus told the people they needed to repent (change their mind), because the kingdom of the heavens was near (Matthew 4:17) – they needed to change their mind about how they could enter the kingdom. They thought that if they simply obeyed the Law,...
“This approach has the advantage of seeking to view all knowledge through the lens of Scripture, and to subject all knowledge to the authority of Scripture. It encourages science and research within the field of psychology. It offers a Biblical balance of description and prescription. Of course, if the Bible is unreliable, then the refractive power of Scripture is distortive rather than corrective, but the epistemological premise of this approach is that God’s word is authoritative and sufficient for our understanding, for our equipping, and for our practice. There are many extra-biblical resources that we can employ, but in seeking out how and when to do that, we mustn’t lose sight of the one reliable constant that God has provided for us – the Bible.” –Chapter 9
Twelve Types and Structures of Academic Papers For Effective Writing
A wise man once described the effectiveness of well-crafted writing, noting that, “The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd.”[1] Communication is most effective when it engages...
Does 1 John 3:9 Actually Say that A Christian Can’t Sin?
The Question There is no shortage of passages exhorting Christians not to sin.[1] So it is no surprise that John also acknowledges in his first letter that Christians can sin.[2] It might be surprising, then to discover that John says that “All those who are born of...
1 John 3 – Children of God: Position or Practice? (Slides)
John explores what it means to be children of God, and deals with both the is/positional/descriptive realities of our salvation by grace through faith, and the ought/practical/prescriptive aspects of what God expects us to do in light of that grace we have received...
“The Green Tree is an exceptional work…provides a vital tool for every Bible interpreter…Just as the root system is the foundation of a tree and directly impacts the health of a tree, hermeneutic method is at the root of one’s worldview. This illustration demonstrates that the hermeneutic method that an interpreter of the Bible employs will significantly affect the outcome. The tree will either be healthy, or it will not be healthy…The authors provide a unique examination of Revelation, Genesis, and Job that demonstrates that the LGH hermeneutic is derived from within Scripture, something that other hermeneutical methods fail to demonstrate. This is perhaps the most crucial principle demonstrated in The Green Tree, and it effectively demonstrates that the LGH hermeneutic is also the Biblical hermeneutic.” – Andrew Friend (Amazon Review)
Dr. Cone, Guest on The Word on Worldviews, Discusses Psychology and Counseling
In this episode of The Word on Worldviews podcast, Kurt and Morné discuss the topic of psychology and counseling with recurring guest Dr. Christopher Cone. Are psychology and a Biblical worldview compatible? What does a Biblical approach to counseling look like?...
Is Romans 10:9-10 About Personal Salvation?
Paul’s Letter to the Romans is focused on the good news (gospel) of God’s righteousness and how it is applied to people who need it. Romans 1-3:20 shows the universal need for God’s righteousness. There aren’t any who do good, not even one.[1] Romans 3:21-4:25...
The Importance of Six-Day Creation (Slides)
Six-day creation is an important pillar of Biblical worldview. Of course, the importance of an assertion does not make it true, and the importance of six-day creation should not be used as an evidence of its truth, but by understanding how central six-day creation is...
Does 1 John 5:13 Support Assurance of Salvation as the Essence of Saving Faith?
Robert Vacendak rightly observes that “Catholics, Calvinists, and Arminians deny absolute assurance of salvation.”[1] Vacendak adds a vital hermeneutic observation that “Scholarly analyses of assurance often prioritize earlier studies, not Scripture.”[2] Vacendak’s...
Dr. Stallard Interviews Dr. Cone About Journal of Transformative Learning and Leadership
Dr. Mike Stallard, Executive Director of the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, interviews Dr. Christopher Cone about the forthcoming launch of the Journal of Transformative Learning and Leadership. Listen to the podcast here:...
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Impact of the Distinction Between National and Individual Blessings
Introduction There is a key distinction between covenant blessings for individuals and covenant blessings for the nation of Israel. In fact, this distinction is perhaps one of the most important for resolving many of the tensions between the realized, already not yet,...

A Transformative Learning Model for Missional Training and Contextualized Program Development
Presented to the EMS Conference, March 11, 2023, Lakewood, CO Dr. Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD President/CEO / Research Professor of Transformative Learning and Leadership Vyrsity / Colorado Biblical University / AgathonEDU Educational Group INTRODUCTION...

How to Interpret the Bible: The Scientific Method for Understanding God
When some leaders questioned Jesus about a topic from the Scriptures, Jesus chastised them, saying that they were mistaken, that they were not understanding the Scriptures or the power of God (Matthew 22:29). Jesus’s words remind of us how important it is to base our...

“Be A Man” Conference (Slides)
Slides for the "Be a Man" Conference, Slidell Louisiana and Pass Christian, Mississippi, October 14-16, 2022. Session 1: Sessions 2-4 [gview...

Dr. Cone on The Word on Worldviews Podcast: Q&A
In this special episode of The Word on Worldviews podcast, Kurt and Morné are joined by Dr. Christopher Cone, President of Vyrsity and Colorado Biblical University. The Word on Worldviews is a podcast where two friends discuss the various worldviews and...