Dear Brothers and Sisters of Calvary University,
Today my service as president of Calvary University has come to a conclusion. The transition was not necessitated by any moral, doctrinal, ethical, or legal issue. While it was not my choice (I would never willingly abandon the post of service to you all), I have great love and respect for all of those Board members involved in that decision. I applaud their willingness to lead in such challenging times, and I support them fully. These are brothers and sisters in Christ who have labored diligently to serve our Lord at Calvary U and in many other capacities in the body of Christ, and I want to publicly acknowledge their service and reiterate my respect and love for each one of them. We will continue on as brothers and friends.
While I would have hoped to see things through – as CU is continuing an exciting chapter of growth – I am grateful for the opportunity and the time I had to serve with such incredible staff and faculty and to serve students committed to being prepared to live and serve in the church and in the world according to the Biblical worldview.

Together God has blessed the CU family to do some truly remarkable things.
Prior to these past four years, Calvary had no degrees fully online. Now, almost all of CU’s degrees are online and on campus. We were able to install a blended model so that CU’s programs would be available on campus and online, allowing education at Calvary to be minimally disrupted during the COVID-19 crisis. You can be confident that CU is prepared and equipped to operate fully this Fall – pandemic or no pandemic.
During these past four years we were able to launch new programs and centers like the MA in Bible and Theology, the PhD in Bible and Theology, the Warrior’s Choice interdisciplinary degree, the Burnham Center for Global Engagement, and the related Synergy Program. These programs underscore and highlight the emphasis on building the academic programs on the mighty foundation of the word of God.
During these past four years, God has allowed CU to expand, breaking new ground with a global online campus, an Innovation Center in Fort Morgan, Colorado, and a reinvigorated Teaching Site in Warrenton, Missouri at Child Evangelism Fellowship’s headquarters. We were able to see the launch of Calvary University Academy – which is able to provide high quality Biblical K-12 education both in the Fort Morgan, Colorado region where it is housed, and globally through CUA’s blended model. CU is also in the process of launching an extension site in Denver in partnership with a local church.
Prior to my administration, CU had encountered years of financial struggles (as is the case with many Bible colleges and universities), including two years with $1million plus deficits immediately prior to my arrival. In these past four years, CU has seen its enrollment increase by 65%. In the first three years of my administration, CU was in the black, though there were certainly significant operating deficits. If pledged donations are fulfilled in the next two months, then CU will also finish this fourth full year in the black. On paper these numbers sound great – and indeed they reflect institutional strength, but we have not fully overcome the operational deficits, so lots of challenges ahead for the next administration. I had hoped to do more, was expected to do more, and simply failed to do more.
My first responsibility at CU has been to ensure the mission is being fulfilled. I believe we have done that faithfully. I am so proud of my fellow workers in Him who have been exemplary in serving students and meeting that mission.
I praise God that even though I am no longer able to enjoy the privilege of serving at Calvary University, its future is bright, its people are excellent, and its foundation is strong. But don’t take my word for it – look at some recent rankings the family at CU has received in recent years:
#1 – Online Accredited Degree Program, 2019 (
#2 – Best Online Christian College Program, 2019 (
#3 – Top 20 Most Affordable Private Schools in the United States, 2018 ( #6 – 150 Small Private Colleges with the Least Average Student Debt Per Borrower, 2018 (
#6 – 25 Most Affordable Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Theology, 2017 ( #14 – 15 Best Online Ministry Degree Bachelor’s Programs, 2019 ( #19 – Best Accredited Online Christian Colleges, 2018 (
#26 – 150 Best Christian Colleges and Universities, 2018 (
50 Most Admirable Institutions, 2017 (
Military Friendly Status –2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
Calvary U is up to some fantastic things, and many are taking notice. But above all, I believe that Calvary has been faithful – and will continue to be faithful – with the grand stewardship it has been given. God honors faithfulness, and it is clear to me that He is honoring and providing for CU.
My dear brothers and sisters who have been co-laborers with me at Calvary U: please keep up the fight! Please stand united in serving faithfully at Calvary, guarding the unity that God has given you all. I want to hear of the great things that He will do in your midst and through your efforts. Persevere, so that you can see the fruit that God is preparing there.
My dear brothers and sisters who are students at Calvary U: It has been my supreme honor to serve you. I want to encourage you that you are working with a team at Calvary – Board, Staff, Faculty, Donors – people who truly love you and want to see you fly high. So, get a little rest this summer, and come back this Fall ready to faithfully steward the incredible gift you have been given – the privilege to be a Calvary Warrior.
With love…
Your brother in Him,