In order to arrive at a Scriptural approach for interpreting Scriptures, the interpretive method must be exegetically derived from within the Scriptural text. Otherwise, there can be no claim to hermeneutic certainty, because any externally derived interpretive method...
In considering the role, responsibility, and limitations of the contemporary university in the present disunity (as displayed in Charlottesville), Chad Wellmon’s recent article, “For Moral Clarity, Don’t Look to Universities” underscores an urgency to which university...
Jay Adams has a way with words, and an excellent way of explaining the significance of the doctrine of limited atonement in the Reformed view.[1] He describes the T (total depravity) and P (perseverance of the saints) as the bun, holding the burger together, and the U...
Dr. Cone discusses different approaches to counseling and discusses Calvary University’s model for Biblical counseling and direction for the program at...
On the one hand, we have Paul telling us how unfathomable and unsearchable are the ways of God (Rom 11:33), and on the other, he prays that believers will grow in their understanding, and that they will be receptive to the breadth, length, height, and depth of His...
Dr. Cone addresses students at Calvary University on some basic principles of the Bible’s credibility, and how it all comes back to the issue of the identity of...
Integrating Exegesis and Exposition: Biblical Communication for Transformative Learning is now available from Exegetica Publishing in Spanish. The English handbook on preaching and teaching was first published in 2015, and has now been translated (by Ruben de Rus)...