These are slides for several of the topics Dr. Cone covered and which are included in INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Vyrsity / CBU). Some course videos are available without a subscription on VyrsityTV while the full collection of course videos are available...
John explores what it means to be children of God, and deals with both the is/positional/descriptive realities of our salvation by grace through faith, and the ought/practical/prescriptive aspects of what God expects us to do in light of that grace we have received...
Presented August, 1, 2018 to the Bible Faculty Summit, Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina ABSTRACT Paul affirmed to Timothy the authority, capacity, and sufficiency of the Scriptures for the adequacy of the believer.[1] In similar fashion Jesus applied...
In order to arrive at a Scriptural approach for interpreting Scriptures, the interpretive method must be exegetically derived from within the Scriptural text. Otherwise, there can be no claim to hermeneutic certainty, because any externally derived interpretive method...
“How did we get here?” This is one of the great questions of life, and its answer sets the direction for so many other answers to great questions. If we are descended from animals, then are we not justified in living as animals? If we are generated merely by...
Dr. Christopher Cone addresses the source of authority and how one interprets that authority in their worldview. Alternate title: “Bob’s Crazy Day With the Dandelions.” Presented to the Chafer Theological Seminary Conference in Houston Texas, Spring,...
Five tools, three questions, two challenges, one ultimate source of truth… FIVE INITIAL TOOLS AT OUR DISPOSAL As we seek to discover, we observe that we possess basic tools useful for processing information: reason, the senses, emotion, desire/will, and...
A brief examination of Scripture will unveil, in particular, the central assumption of the existence of God (Gen. 1:1, Ps. 14:1, etc.). Never does Scripture seek to prove His existence; rather it presents His reality as the foundational starting point of Biblical...
Epistemological inquiry is the first step in developing a worldview. Determining how we can know with certainty is a necessary exercise, and requires that we identify the source of authority upon which the worldview is grounded. For example, Hume’s empiricism...
The theological term most commonly used by theologians to express the role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical understanding is illumination. While the term isn’t directly used of the Holy Spirit, the concept is present, for example in John 1:5 and 1:9, “The Light shines...