In Roland Barthes’ 1977 essay, “The death of the author,”[1] Barthes celebrates the intended outcome of deconstructing single meaning as a necessary step toward empowering the reader. The design is ultimately to produce the death of the Author (who Barthes identifies...
These are slides for several of the topics Dr. Cone covered and which are included in INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Vyrsity / CBU). Some course videos are available without a subscription on VyrsityTV while the full collection of course videos are available...
INTRODUCTION In 2021, Chris Gousmett[1] penned a rhetorically forceful critical review entitled “Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism,” in which he critiques the author and the work entitled Redacted Dominionism: A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental...
When some leaders questioned Jesus about a topic from the Scriptures, Jesus chastised them, saying that they were mistaken, that they were not understanding the Scriptures or the power of God (Matthew 22:29). Jesus’s words remind of us how important it is to base our...
Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D Download (PPTX, 2.65MB) The Diagnoses of Critical Race Theory Critical Race Theory (CRT) is to some either ally or oppressor. To one evaluator CRT “teaches kids to hate our country and to hate each other. It is state sanctioned...
A BIBLICAL METHODOLOGY FOR THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY AND ITS DISPENSATIONAL OUTCOMES A Paper Presented to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D September 15-16, 2021 INTRODUCTION Theology and philosophy are...
Question: How does a Biblical worldview ground math? Is math areflection of the mind of God (which we recognize because His creationis orderly, and to some degree reflects His nature) – similar to laws oflogic being a reflection of the perfect mind of God? Answer:...
Every worldview has a suggestion for where to find its own brand of wisdom. But there is one source that is ultimately reliable. Solomon encourages us to value it (Proverbs 3), and David models valuing it (Psalm...
A worldview is the perspective through which one views the world. By definition, a Biblical worldview is derived exegetically from the pages of the Bible. Philosophy and theology have long been perceived as rivals in worldview, but if we define those terms lexically...
Opening at #3, and the #1 paperback on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in its category, from Exegetica Publishing is a new book by Dr. Christopher Cone – Life Beyond the Sun: Worldview and Philosophy Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes, 2nd Edition. ISBN#: 978-0998280509...
The Anti-Logic Tendency of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture: A Response to and Critique of Chris Gousmett’s Review of Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism
How to Interpret the Bible: The Scientific Method for Understanding God
The Need for Biblical Methodology
The Genesis Account as Early Model for Scriptural Hermeneutics
The Hermeneutic and Exegetical Implications of Descriptive and Prescriptive
Epistemological Foundations for a Biblical Theology