book announcements, ethics, excerpts
Available now, and recently ranked #7 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases Top 100 in its category (Ethics and Morality), from Exegetica Publishing is a new book by Dr. Christopher Cone – Applied Biblical Worldview: Essays on Christian Ethics, a revision and expansion...
excerpts, higher education, interviews
Editor’s Note: September is back-to-school month, so I thought it would be a great time to interview someone who could offer a unique perspective on the future of higher theological education. And I certainly found the right person to talk about it! I have watched the...
ethics, excerpts, hope, politics, priorities, time management
Election Day gives us a sense that we can have some influence over world events. As world events remind us of the frailty of society and of our own lives, attentions are easily drawn to the future. But our attention should not be drawn simply to the great big things...
environment, excerpts, philosophy and film
From my guest article at Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland was initially panned as “George Clooney’s global warming shaming,” but it has much greater aspirations than simply an environmental agenda piece. Roger Ebert recognized a broader ambition when he termed...
bible overviews, excerpts, exegesis/exposition
A downloadable PDF highlighting some important themes in John’s Gospel, from three vantage points (synthesis, exegesis, analysis). Download (PDF,...
excerpts, philosophy, theology, worldview
Despite assertions that “any conflict between philosophy and theology must be apparent rather than real, the result of a misunderstanding,”[1] conflict endures nonetheless. Paul Tillich asks if there is a necessary conflict between the two and if there is a possible...
conscience, ecclesiology, ethics, excerpts
The Bible describes with clarity many responsibilities of believers in the contexts of government and society. Still in some areas believers are not given specific instructions, and instead must rely on applying general Biblical principles to contemporary challenges....
eschatology, ethics, excerpts, philosophy, politics
“If you believe that you’re going to leave and evacuate to somewhere else, then why do anything about this world?”[1] This question is not a new one. It is a very common indictment against interpreting the Bible in a literal way. After all, if we take the Bible...