lists, news, social justice
It is fascinating how our society is sometimes captivated by the judicial process. George Zimmerman’s murder trial illustrates that our nation seems to welcome the opportunity to focus on the plight of an individual or small group of people. Public trials, as...
eschatology, ethics, Jesus, teachings of, politics, social justice, worldview
A long time ago, in a galaxy not far away, Jesus tells a man, “Follow me.” The man responds with hesitation – but for good reason. “Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.” Noble request right? Before the man could be totally committed to following Jesus, he...
ecclesiology, economics, ethics, Jesus, teachings of, politics, social justice
“Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a socialist tinge. Has not Christianity declaimed against private property, against marriage, against the State? Has it not preached in place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh,...
abortion, bioethics, politics, sexuality, social justice
Allow me first to preface this article with an important consideration. Perhaps someone reading this article has had an abortion. This article is not targeting or condemning you, though it may pertain to you (and I hope you think through the issues just the same)....
philosophy, politics, social justice, worldview
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels provide a helpful case study in the inherent limitations of government. Their landmark publication, The Communist Manifesto (hereafter, TCM), was first printed in 1848, and offered to some the hope they had been desperately seeking....
Jesus, teachings of, social justice
In an earlier article (Considering the Words of Jesus for Social Justice and other Applications), I asserted that Jesus’ conversations during His earthly ministry fit into four general categories: “(1) dialogues – usually intended to challenge particular people to...
Jesus, teachings of, politics, social justice
Earlier this year (February 2, 2012) at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama described his economic policies as being motivated (partly) by religious ideals. He identified three in particular: he cited his belief “in God’s command to ‘love thy neighbor as...
exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, Jesus, teachings of, social justice
This is the first of a series of articles dealing with a Biblical perspective of social justice and socio-political issues such as the relationship of Biblical Christianity to the state. In this first article, we consider important contextual aspects of Jesus’ words....