diversity, origins, racial issues
Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) by Dr. Christopher Cone All human beings share a common origin and lineage, being made in the image of our Creator, and therefore have undeniable value assigned by our Creator.[1] The sacred EQUALITY of all human...
apologetics, bible overviews, epistemology, hermeneutics, origins, slide stacks
John explores what it means to be children of God, and deals with both the is/positional/descriptive realities of our salvation by grace through faith, and the ought/practical/prescriptive aspects of what God expects us to do in light of that grace we have received...
epistemology, origins, worldview
“How did we get here?” This is one of the great questions of life, and its answer sets the direction for so many other answers to great questions. If we are descended from animals, then are we not justified in living as animals? If we are generated merely by...
apologetics, epistemology, metaphysics, origins, philosophy, worldview
Epistemological inquiry is the first step in developing a worldview. Determining how we can know with certainty is a necessary exercise, and requires that we identify the source of authority upon which the worldview is grounded. For example, Hume’s empiricism...
exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, origins
The Bible contains four basic genres of literature: historical narrative, poetry, prophetic, and epistolary. The genre classification of Genesis 1 is very important for our understanding of the overall message of Scripture, because the chapter deals with so many...
origins, science, worldview
I appreciated that both Ken Ham and Bill Nye were willing to engage in a dialogue, as I think such discussions – including this one – help to clarify and test positions. I personally found the two men enjoyable to listen to, and I thought both presented their cases...
origins, philosophy, worldview
Dawkins Argument #2: There are of course gaps in the fossil record. In the case of the Turbellaria, a large, flourishing and beautiful group of free-living flatworms, the fossil record is one big gap – there are no fossils – and not even a Young Earth Creationist...
origins, philosophy, science, worldview
I appreciate Dr. Richard Dawkins’ impassioned arguments against creationism, as he challenges his listeners and readers to think through their positions and to offer sound reasons for their conclusions. My focus here is not to argue against his atheism, but is to...
diversity, environment, humor, nature, origins, worldview
While working in her garden today, my lovely bride spotted the craziest looking creature with the face of a puppydog, the body of a caterpillar. In an odd sort of way, it reminded me of Revelation 4:7-8 (Four crazy looking creatures proclaiming the holiness of God)....