COVID-19, organizational leadership
What will things look like when the pandemic has run its course? While we do not yet know exactly where we are in the lifecycle of this particular crisis, COVID-19 has already proven to be a catalyst for global change. The timeless principles of what is important...
counseling, psychology, worldview
Distinctiveness of this Approach: Psychology and Counseling as Disciplines Born from the Biblical Worldview is a paper presented to the 2020 Christian Leaders’ Conference at Calvary University on February 17, 2020. The downloadable PDF file is below. Download...
personal growth, slide stacks, success
These slides were presented to the annual Camp Pearl Ministries Pastors’ Conference in Reeves, Louisiana, October 21-23. The theme was the acronym ENDURING through a Biblical lens: Expectations, Necessity, Development, Unceasing Prayer, Refreshment, Importance,...
racial issues, social justice, unity
A CASE STUDY IN FAILURE: POST-CIVIL WAR AMERICA AND THE FREEDMEN’S BUREAU For any who might opine that there is no contemporary need for resolution of events more than a century past, W.E.B. Dubois’ observations help to clarify the heartbreaking prominence of the...