Question: Is Genesis 12:2-3 actually a covenant? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to simply call these verses promises? Answer: If Genesis 12:1-3 is taken in a vacuum, then we might not consider it a covenant, simply because it is not specifically identified as a...
Shibuya Mirai is an AI chatbot designed to interact as a seven-year-old boy. Mirai was granted residency status in Tokyo, marking another milestone in the journey to the development of consciousness in machines. Cognitive scientists Dehaene, Lau, and Kouider suggest...
Book Announcement: Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy, from General Editors Dr. Christopher Cone and Dr. James Fazio. Southern California Seminary Press. Reviews: “With contributions from top scholars among leading...
Jay Adams once said that, “What we do to another man and how we do it is tightly bound up in what we believe about that man.”[1] Indeed this is true in general, and it is certainly true in the process of discipleship. The first step in understanding how to disciple a...
In a society increasingly more free in its expression, it is natural to wonder whether or not it is actually wrong to cuss. After all, one might wonder about the origin of the list of “bad” words, and discover that list is quite subjective and even...
How we love our wives matters to God. He designed the marriage relationship to be mutually beneficial, and requires that husbands “love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25) – if we are not doing that, then we...
Dear Mr. President, First, I am appreciative of your presidency, and I am not ashamed to say that I voted for you. I advocated for you before the election, and this letter is not an expression of buyer’s remorse. In these turbulent early days of your presidency you...
An organizational leadership researcher asked me these six questions. These brief answers are from a Biblical worldview, and are broadly applicable in any organizational leadership setting. I think they illustrate how helpful the Bible is for (among other reasons)...
A theological system ought to be the product of exegetical study of Scripture, not a preface to exegetical work. Hermeneutical principles are first observed in the Scriptures themselves, even in a cursory and casual reading. Those principles are then applied in actual...
Five Difficulties for Progressive Dispensationalism
Are God’s Covenants with Abraham and Israel Being Fulfilled Today?
Is the Messiah Given to the Gentiles as a Covenant?
Q&A: Is Being Born Again About Entering the Kingdom or Entering Heaven?
The Anti-Logic Tendency of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture: A Response to and Critique of Chris Gousmett’s Review of Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism