exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, slide stacks
There is a logic undergirding Biblical hermeneutics and the process of applying hermeneutic principles in exegesis. These slides accompany Dr. Cone’s presentation to the Duluth Pastors’ Conference, intended to help prepare people for consistently applying...
exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, origins
The Bible contains four basic genres of literature: historical narrative, poetry, prophetic, and epistolary. The genre classification of Genesis 1 is very important for our understanding of the overall message of Scripture, because the chapter deals with so many...
exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, Jesus, teachings of
It may seem odd to suggest that the book entitled Apocalupsis does not belong to the genre of literature commonly referred to as apocalyptic, nonetheless that is my suggestion here. The term employed in the title of the book denotes a revelation or disclosure.[1]...