Bill Nye, Creationism, and Philosophy of Science

 Bill Nye commented in a recent video that creationism was inappropriate for children. He asserts that “evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science,” and cites dinosaur bones, radioactivity, distant stars and deep time as things explained exclusively by...

Miley Cyrus Was Right

I must first confess, I didn’t imagine before now that I would ever have occasion to write an article about Miley Cyrus, but as it turns out, she has brought attention to a monumental issue (human origins and their implications) and has served as a catalyst for much...

Theistic Evolution and Cultism Are Not Our Only Options

Theistic Evolution and Cultism Are Not Our Only Options: On Bruce Waltke’s Resignation and Charles Honey’s “Adamant on Adam” (CT, 5/25/2010) Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D President, Tyndale Theological Seminary & Biblical Institute Recently, Charles Honey...