Jesus, deity of, lists, theology
#1: The Word John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.“ Jesus was in the beginning (He had no beginning), He was with God, and He was God. The grammatical structure of the passage supports the idea that Jesus was the...
Holy Spirit, Jesus, deity of, Jesus, resurrection of, Jesus, sonship of, theology
While the Holy Spirit has an incredible ministry directly to believers, that is certainly not His only role. Before the Spirit’s present ministry in the church, He also interacted with Christ in several profound ways. As we understand the relationship of Christ and...
death, grace, history, Jesus, deity of, Jesus, resurrection of, salvation
A man named Jesus hung on a cross. To that point this man had endured the rejection of his people, arrest on false pretenses, an illegal trial in which he was falsely accused, beaten and abused, and ultimately condemned to die because of the spiritual arrogance of his...
history, holiday, Jesus, deity of
In order to fulfill Biblical prophecy, the Messiah had to come from the seed of David. He had to be of the tribe of Judah, in the line of Solomon, yet he could not be of the seed of Coniah, whom (because of a litany of evils) God essentially removed from the royal...
Jesus, deity of, Jesus, sonship of
How can Jesus be both the Son of God (John 1:34; 3:36) and God Himself (John 1:1; 20:28)? To the casual reader, this seems implausible. Nonetheless, the Bible is consistent, presenting both as realities. Consequently, both realities are true at the same time or else...
Jesus, deity of, philosophy
The following is an excerpt from Bertrand Russell’s “Why I am not a Christian.” (lecture on March 6, 1927 to the National Secular Society, South London Branch, at Battersea Town Hall). Which are his strongest arguments? Which are his weakest? How...
bibliology, Jesus, deity of
Q: John 1:1 in the New World Translation (NWT) reads, “In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.” This clearly references Jesus as divine but not God, Himself. Is this an accurate translation? A: The Greek transliterated is as...