hermeneutics, higher criticism, philosophy
In Roland Barthes’ 1977 essay, “The death of the author,”[1] Barthes celebrates the intended outcome of deconstructing single meaning as a necessary step toward empowering the reader. The design is ultimately to produce the death of the Author (who Barthes identifies...
hermeneutics, textual criticism
In a FB post on February 28, 2025, Israel Steinmetz offered a critique of an article I wrote entitled, “The Book of Revelation is Not Apocalyptic Literature.” While I don’t often engage critiques on social media (it is a very difficult medium for establishing civil...
covenants & promises, hermeneutics, theology
There are at least five reasons that progressive dispensational (PD) represents a departure from a normative hermeneutic (literal grammatical historical) and reading of the Bible. The first two pertain to methodology in arriving at conclusions, and the latter three...
environment, hermeneutics, philosophy
INTRODUCTION In 2021, Chris Gousmett[1] penned a rhetorically forceful critical review entitled “Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism,” in which he critiques the author and the work entitled Redacted Dominionism: A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental...
apologetics, bible overviews, epistemology, hermeneutics, origins, slide stacks
John explores what it means to be children of God, and deals with both the is/positional/descriptive realities of our salvation by grace through faith, and the ought/practical/prescriptive aspects of what God expects us to do in light of that grace we have received...
hermeneutics, slide stacks
All of us are equally accountable for how we handle the Bible. God communicated in His word in such a way as to be understood, and we have a responsibility to be diligent to study and to learn. This slide presentation considers foundations for Bible interpretation and...