environment, hermeneutics, philosophy
INTRODUCTION In 2021, Chris Gousmett[1] penned a rhetorically forceful critical review entitled “Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism,” in which he critiques the author and the work entitled Redacted Dominionism: A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental...
bioethics, environment, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy, worldview
The common interpretation that the Genesis creation account grants humankind a lasting and comprehensive dominion over creation has been critiqued as being destructively man-centered.[1] To such critics anthropocentrism seems not to offer much promise for a positive,...
environment, excerpts, philosophy and film
From my guest article at patheos.com: Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland was initially panned as “George Clooney’s global warming shaming,” but it has much greater aspirations than simply an environmental agenda piece. Roger Ebert recognized a broader ambition when he termed...
book reviews, environment, ethics
Redacted Dominionism, A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental Responsibility,by Christopher Cone (Eugene, Oregon: WIPF & Stock, 2012)Paper, pp. 122, $17.00. Available at Amazon ($12.60). Review by Dr. Gary Gilley, initially in Journal of...
diversity, environment, humor, nature, origins, worldview
While working in her garden today, my lovely bride spotted the craziest looking creature with the face of a puppydog, the body of a caterpillar. In an odd sort of way, it reminded me of Revelation 4:7-8 (Four crazy looking creatures proclaiming the holiness of God)....
environment, ethics, philosophy
Presented to the Dallas Philosophers Forum, January 24, 2012, Dallas, Texas Noted environmental philosopher J. Baird Callicott has recognized that “to affect change in both individual behavior and social, political, and economic institutions we have to do more...
environment, ethics, philosophy
Q:Does mankind have dominion over nature? A: Genesis 1:26-28 does include a dominion mandate. The verb radah (1:26), translated by the NASB as rule, cannot be softened simply to mean stewardship. It is appropriately translated as rule or dominate. This dominion...