Parallelism of Foreshadowing and Fulfillment: Considering Affinity and Dissimilarity in Johannine and Matthean Usage Presented to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, September 19, 2018 Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D President, Research Professor of Bible...
ABSTRACT While there are persisting differences between Catholic and Protestant views of (1) what constitutes Scripture, (2) the level of exclusivity in authority of Scripture, and (3) what constitutes appropriate hermeneutic methodology, there are commonly held...
This presentation (delivered to the Beth Haven Apologetics Conference, June 2, 2018) considers four major issues of Biblical criticism: (1) Contradictions and discrepancies, (2) errors, (3) lack of originals and questionable copies, and (4) canonicity issues. Download...
Dr. Cone addresses students at Calvary University on some basic principles of the Bible’s credibility, and how it all comes back to the issue of the identity of...
A worldview is the perspective through which one views the world. By definition, a Biblical worldview is derived exegetically from the pages of the Bible. Philosophy and theology have long been perceived as rivals in worldview, but if we define those terms lexically...
Dr. Christopher Cone introduces the Biblical canon, considering (1) internal textual evidence for the inclusion of the books of the Old and New Testaments, (2) historical factors which provide external affirmation that the texts of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New...
In the previous article, we introduced some significant aspects to consider when deciding on an English translation for Bible study (formal versus dynamic equivalence, and transparency in the source material used, for example). While no translation can equal the value...
What a blessing it is to have many English Bible translations from which to choose. Not too long ago there were none, and attempts to translate the Bible into English were met with severe persecution (read about William Tyndale, for example). So when we are faced with...