excerpts, higher education, interviews
Editor’s Note: September is back-to-school month, so I thought it would be a great time to interview someone who could offer a unique perspective on the future of higher theological education. And I certainly found the right person to talk about it! I have watched the...
news, organizational leadership
“Understanding the Challenges, Embracing His Excellence” August 26, 2016 – Thank you so much for your kindness. That I stand here before you today convinces me as much as many other things He has done in my life, that God indeed has a sense of humor. That He should...
education, personal growth, priorities, success
Convocation Address to Incoming Students of Calvary University, August 24, 2016, by Dr. Christopher Cone – Men and women of the incoming class, we are indeed privileged to welcome you to Calvary University. You are embarking on a journey that is not vague or...
ethics, Jesus, teachings of, leadership, organizational leadership, priorities, success
The VERITAS formula for organizational leadership is really about leading people and helping them to become who they are designed to be. The formula is rooted in the principle that from God’s mouth comes knowledge and understanding (Prov 2:6). God’s word is true, and...
grace, nature, personal growth, philosophy
You recall how the story goes – God and Satan are having a discussion about a man named Job. He was a man of great character whom God had given much wealth and blessing. God commends Job, and Satan accuses Job, betting that Job would deny God if God would simply allow...
calvinism & arminianism, metaphysics, philosophy
One simple premise undergirds the ideas that either humanity has free volition or that God is sovereign, and that ultimately the two concepts are mutually exclusive. That premise is the hinge upon which the argument turns, favoring either human freedom or Divine...
apologetics, metaphysics, philosophy, worldview
In response to the question of whether or not science makes belief in God obsolete, Christopher Hitchens (who ultimately answers the question in the negative), suggested that, “It will not do to say, in reply to this, that the lord moves in mysterious ways. Those who...
ethics, gratitude, metaphysics, personal growth, priorities, success
I once heard a story – I don’t recall where – of a builder who was commissioned by his employer to build a house. The builder’s employer gave specific instructions regarding the quality of the house. He wanted it to be excellent, but the builder tried to save money...
ethics, hope, metaphysics, personal growth, priorities, success
In a study addressing why millennials stay in church, the Barna group discovered that 65% of active church goers or those who believed their faith is very important to their life believed that the Bible contains everything a person needs to live a meaningful life,...