hermeneutics, higher criticism, philosophy
In Roland Barthes’ 1977 essay, “The death of the author,”[1] Barthes celebrates the intended outcome of deconstructing single meaning as a necessary step toward empowering the reader. The design is ultimately to produce the death of the Author (who Barthes identifies...
hermeneutics, textual criticism
In a FB post on February 28, 2025, Israel Steinmetz offered a critique of an article I wrote entitled, “The Book of Revelation is Not Apocalyptic Literature.” While I don’t often engage critiques on social media (it is a very difficult medium for establishing civil...
education, higher education, slide stacks
“What Disruption Can Mean for Higher Education in Prison” is presented to the Iowa Consortium for Higher Education in Prison on June 10, 2024 at Iowa Central Community College. Download (PDF,...
education, higher education
POST-COVID HIGHER EDUCATION IN MISSISSIPPI: A PORTRAIT OF THREE CHALLENGES FACING PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION EVERYWHERE Dr. Christopher Cone INTRODUCTION While higher education everywhere is impacted by rapid changes in consumer needs, technology, demographics, and...
epistemology, metaphysics, personal growth, philosophy, psychology, slide stacks
These are slides for several of the topics Dr. Cone covered and which are included in INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Vyrsity / CBU). Some course videos are available without a subscription on VyrsityTV while the full collection of course videos are available...
covenants & promises, israel, metaphysics, prophetic
Remember that Jesus told the people they needed to repent (change their mind), because the kingdom of the heavens was near (Matthew 4:17) – they needed to change their mind about how they could enter the kingdom. They thought that if they simply obeyed the Law,...
discipleship, ethics, grace
The Question There is no shortage of passages exhorting Christians not to sin.[1] So it is no surprise that John also acknowledges in his first letter that Christians can sin.[2] It might be surprising, then to discover that John says that “All those who are born of...