These are the #calvaryquestions questions and answers from the 10/15 Calvary University assembly presentation:
Can you quickly speak to the responsibility for men before God to rightly lead the home ans church and for the woman to let him or better yet enable him to be a strong leader? #CalvaryQuestions
— Rob Jordon (@PRobJordon) October 15, 2018
This is an excellent point, Rob – men must fulfill their responsibility to lead well in the home, and that is very hard to do without their wife’s support and “enabling.” While the roles and functions in the home are unconditional, they are made much easier and joyful when all involved are approaching things from a Biblical perspective and responding accordingly.
Is context key or is context king? #Calvaryquestions
— Celeste Toliver (@CelesteToliver) October 15, 2018
Both. 🙂 But most would say “king.”
What would your response be to the men who twist these verses and try to demand that women submit to them? #calvaryquestions
— Katelyn Rae (@Katetrista) October 15, 2018
Anyone who twists Scripture to serve their own purposes is failing in an important responsibility. Twisting Scripture to dominate someone else is obviously horrible. If a man is demanding that a woman submit to him, then he is doing it wrong (see 1 Peter 3:7). At the same time, while all believers have a responsibility to submit to each other in the fear of Christ (Eph 5:21), wives have an important responsibility to align themselves under the headship of their husbands (e.g., Eph 5:22). At the same time, the husband has the important responsibility of loving his wife in a totally unselfish way, for her wellbeing.
What would you say to people who justify keeping spouses in abusive relationships because of misunderstanding of those verses? #CalvaryQuestions
— TheCalvarySparrow (@CalvarySparrow) October 15, 2018
Misunderstanding any verses causes great problems – this is one of the reasons responsible hermeneutics and exegesis are so very important. Biblically, there are times when separating is legitimate (1 Cor 7:12-16, Mt 18:15-17), but any separation should be very well considered. The stakes are high.
How can we stand with families who can’t achieve nuclear family status? #CalvaryQuestions
— TheCalvarySparrow (@CalvarySparrow) October 15, 2018
We should do good to all, especially believers (Gal 6:10). We should be devoted to one another in brotherly love (Rom 12:10, and we should empathize and have compassion (Rom 12:15). These passages are a few to help us get started in thinking about how we engage with those who are different or have challenges.
What advice do you have for women who don’t have the traditional womanly personality? Or to those who would try to silence her? #CalvaryQuestions
— TheCalvarySparrow (@CalvarySparrow) October 15, 2018
Character and personality aren’t necessarily the same thing. The Bible prescribes certain kinds of character, but doesn’t legislate personality. Thankfully we can be who we are, and where our personality is exemplary, we can thank the Lord, and where we need growth, we can thank Him for His grace and…well, grow! As for the silencing part, Ecclesiastes 3:7 explains there is a time for silence and a time to speak. As we try to walk in consideration of one another, we can be sensitive about what time it is.
#calvaryquestions would Calvary ever hire a woman to teach in the seminary?
— Tammy pihl (@TammyPihl) October 15, 2018
Calvary already has. Calvary has had several women in our Biblical counseling department, which is part of the seminary. Also, CU requires that the Bible is a primary textbook in every class, that means that our female faculty are teaching the Bible in every class that they teach. It is important to recognize that the Christian university is not the local church (even though we are all part of the church). Having said that, I would not hire a woman to teach an exclusively Biblical class in a pastoral program for example – while there are many capable women, I think it is best to have men leading/teaching and preparing men for pastoral ministry – this is the same principle that keep me from hiring a man to teach a women’s discipleship class – better to have older women teaching younger women, as is patterned in Titus 2:3.
I earnestly have the desire to marry one day if the Lord is willing, but what if He has something else in mind like celibacy? How do I handle that? #calvaryquestions
— Jesse House (@Ignite4Jesus) October 15, 2018
Great question…the best way to go through life is submitted to whatever He has planned. Our lives are not our own (Gal 2:20), and it is good for us to learn that He knows best. Still, sometimes what is best can be very difficult. Still, I am very grateful that He provides the strength we need for those works that He has prepared before hand! Seeing how you are committed to honoring Him, even in the face of challenges, I think you will be OK!
What if we've been reading a typo for hundreds of years and "to celebrate" is a gift, not "to be celibate" #CalvaryQuestions
— Calvary Questioner (@VoicesOfCalvary) October 15, 2018
Chuckle. 🙂
Indeed…glad Paul wasn’t writing in English, otherwise we might never know. 😉
Could you speak to what was involved in biblical times in “managing the home”? The cultural context for Paul’s statement. #calvaryquestions
— Rose Henness (@RoseHenness) October 15, 2018
The word used in 1 Tim 5:14 is oikodespotein, which means to home-manage, and as illustrated in Proverbs 31:10-31, it involved quite a lot in Hebrew culture, though in the Greek and Roman cultures there was a much lower level of respect for women overall. Paul would have a more Jewish mindset, but at the same time shows a cultural sensitivity to those around him as well. Paul clearly had a lofty view of women and valued God’s design for both men and women in portraying the aspects of His character that He desired to illustrate through them both.
What is your stance on women remaining silent, etc.? What is the school's official stance? I feel that not all of the teachers/faculty share the same opinion on this. #calvaryquestions
— Christopher Stolberg (@chrispyiceberg) October 15, 2018
There are many contexts where silence is wise for men and women (Ecc 3:7). I am guessing your question is regarding the two contexts where women are specifically called to be silent. 1 Cor 14:34, which is describing women’s use of the revelatory sign gifts in the context of the church assembly and 1 Tim 2:11-12, which is explained in the context (2:13-15) as being related to the order of creation and designed so that man can fulfill his role also.
In order to teach at CU, all faculty must affirm each year their full and unreserved agreement with the doctrinal statement, so there is basic agreement on doctrinal issues. At the same time there is academic freedom and room for disagreement within the parameters of the doctrinal statement. So yes – you are right, there are some different perspectives among faculty, though all would hold to a basically complementarian view overall. While we want to be on the same page overall, it is a good thing for us to challenge each other with different perspectives. Iron sharpens iron…
#calvaryquestions How was the term "female" used in 1:27 before she was created in 2:22??
— Zak Kirkman (@z_kirkman) October 15, 2018
Genesis 1:27-31 is the overall summary, Genesis 2:7-25 describe the specifics of what happened. The two chapters are not sequential (notice the statement beginning 2:4) Good question!
Good questions everyone…looking forward to the next discussion! Let me know if you have more questions…