For much of this week, I have had the incredible privilege of spending time with some of the most amazing young people at the 2017 IFCA National Youth Convention (held at Taylor University’s fantastic campus in Indiana). Attending are several hundred junior and high schoolers who are not only committed to growing in Christ, but are putting in the work to learn and develop their skills and understanding of the Bible.

I commend you all for your example, and have had a blast with you. Hoping and praying the sessions were encouraging. You guys and gals are definitely aloe (a word the group has redefined to mean “on point”).

Also, so thankful for Travis Huseby and all the leadership and staff – they are amazing. They model how we should all be willing to invest in our brothers and sisters. They are doing discipleship in solidly Biblical way, and very very effectively.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of it all this year!

Below are the slides for my three sessions on why Biblical interpretation matters, the Biblical model for interpreting the Bible, and what to do with a passage once we understand what it means.

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