Blaise Pascal argued that if a person believes in God and in the end it turns out that God didn’t exist, than that person hasn’t really lost anything – thus he suggests it is better to believe (even if God doesn’t exist) than not to believe...
Q: Why are there such dramatically variant translations of Revelation 22:14 (c.f., NASB & KJV), and does this verse suggest added conditions for eternal life? A: (1) Why such dramatically variant translation? The NASB reads, “Blessed are those who wash their...
Q: Does John 3:16 emphasize that “the believing one…has eternal life” from the point of salvation? It seems that some disagree that this passage teaches that, on grounds that in John 3:16 both final verbs are subjunctive, μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ᾽ ἔχῃ. A: For...
The Hermeneutic Roots of Our Soteriological Crisis
INTR1501 Human Growth and Development (Slides)
The Anti-Logic Tendency of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture: A Response to and Critique of Chris Gousmett’s Review of Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism
Is Romans 10:9-10 About Personal Salvation?
Does 1 John 5:13 Support Assurance of Salvation as the Essence of Saving Faith?
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Impact of the Distinction Between National and Individual Blessings