death, ethics, genocide, israel, salvation
I was invited to speak at a conference in Poland recently (on Biblical hermeneutics and theological method, in case you were curious), and while there I had an opportunity to visit Auschwitz. I am not much of a tourist or a sightseer, but there are just some things...
economics, finances, hope, Jesus, teachings of, lists, priorities, salvation, success
Today is not looking like it will be an encouraging day for financial markets around the world, and predictably this news cycle will probably be dominated by ominous financial news. This is a difficult time for many, but doesn’t need to be cause for hopelessness or...
bible overviews, covenants & promises, eschatology, exegesis/exposition, israel, salvation, theology
Understanding the Biblical usage of terms such as dispensation, covenant, and kingdom of God can go a long way in helping is recognize what God’s big picture is, and how He intends to fill in the details. Let’s take a look at some definitions and...
eternal punishment, ethics, grace, salvation, same-sex marriage
Practice is from position, but never to position. The ethical mandates of the New Testament are decisively clear that believers are to walk in the richness of the position we have been given (Eph1:3), and that the position is actually necessary for the walk (Heb...
death, grace, history, Jesus, deity of, Jesus, resurrection of, salvation
A man named Jesus hung on a cross. To that point this man had endured the rejection of his people, arrest on false pretenses, an illegal trial in which he was falsely accused, beaten and abused, and ultimately condemned to die because of the spiritual arrogance of his...
communication, grace, hope, salvation, success
Sometimes it seems difficult to communicate the love of Christ to others. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer weight of Biblical data and become tongue-tied when trying to share how one can know Christ. Here are three ways to share God’s plan for salvation...
ecclesiology, eschatology, israel, Jesus, teachings of, salvation
In a now published thesis,[1] James Fazio draws attention to an important component of Matthew’s account of Jesus’ life and ministry: specifically, that Jesus commissioned His disciples on two significant occasions, and for two very different purposes. The first,...
death, hope, salvation, success
I haven’t seen many of his films, but even a small sampling shows Philip Seymour Hoffman to be an extraordinary actor with undeniable skill. Sadly, we learn that Hoffman is gone, apparently falling prey to a drug habit that he couldn’t shake. My deepest condolences to...
exegesis/exposition, philosophy, salvation, theology
Failing to recognize that the Reformation’s hermeneutic inconsistency obscured more than just eschatology and ecclesiology, dispensationalists happily built upon the platform of Reformed soteriology. In failing to ascertain a purely Biblical soteriology, we...