Marx & Engels vs. Locke

John Locke, in his 2nd Treatise on Government said that private property was a necessary ingredient of one’s own right to self preservation. If a person has a right to life, they must necessarily have a right to possess their own private property. Marx and...

What’s more dangerous than disposable diapers?

Lynn White wrote a paper in 1966, entitled “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.”(1) In “The Historical Roots” White launched a scathing critique of certain religious underpinnings of Western attitude toward nature. His critique was met with immediate...

A Shining City on a Hill

The signers of the Declaration of Independence cited 27 injustices on the part of the King of England. It was about much more than just taxation without representation. I thank God for their courage, and for God’s blessing of the nation they forged. Still, their...

Q & A: Am I a radical fundamentalist nutjob?

Q: I noticed you had an article published on a  “fundamentalist” website. Are you a fundamentalist? A: Definitions are important, and I can’t answer the question without understanding how you mean the term. For example, one critic of fundamentalism says, “…we realize...