apologetics, death, grace, holiday, Jesus, resurrection of, Jesus, sonship of, salvation
Whether or not Jesus rose from the dead is perhaps the most important question in determining the truth of Biblical Christianity. As Paul put it, “if Christ has not been raised from the dead…then your faith also is vain” (1 Cor 15:14). He adds that if Jesus hasn’t...
calvinism & arminianism, grace, metaphysics, salvation, theology
Presented to the 2015 Free Grace Alliance National Conference, October 13, 2015. Download (PDF, 128KB) INTRODUCTION A literal translation of 1 John 2:2 reads as follows: “And He a propitiation He is for the sins of us, not for those of us only, but also for those of...
ethics, grace, social justice
Jesus says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judge, that you may not be judged.” From this statement one might conclude that judging is prohibited, but in the next verse the context helps the reader understand that the passage is not a prohibition. Rather it is a warning: “For...
ethics, grace, philosophy, same-sex marriage, sexuality
From evolving societal perceptions of gender and sexuality and from newly adjusted legal definitions of marriage emanating from SCOTUS emerge significant complications for churches and other faith-based organizations. As a result, there has recently been a wave...
eternal punishment, ethics, grace, salvation, same-sex marriage
Practice is from position, but never to position. The ethical mandates of the New Testament are decisively clear that believers are to walk in the richness of the position we have been given (Eph1:3), and that the position is actually necessary for the walk (Heb...
death, grace, history, Jesus, deity of, Jesus, resurrection of, salvation
A man named Jesus hung on a cross. To that point this man had endured the rejection of his people, arrest on false pretenses, an illegal trial in which he was falsely accused, beaten and abused, and ultimately condemned to die because of the spiritual arrogance of his...
communication, grace, hope, salvation, success
Sometimes it seems difficult to communicate the love of Christ to others. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer weight of Biblical data and become tongue-tied when trying to share how one can know Christ. Here are three ways to share God’s plan for salvation...