Dr. Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D, is a dedicated, transformative educator, writer, leader, and organizational developer. He serves as President and Research Professor of Agathon University of Applied Faith You can learn more about his endeavors, teaching, and writing at
Dr. Cone has served as a President and CEO (Agathon University of Applied Faith, Vyrsity, Colorado Biblical University, AgathonEDU Educational Group, Calvary University, and Tyndale Theological Seminary), a Chief Academic Officer (Southern California Seminary), and a Research Professor (Agathon University of Applied Faith, Vyrsity, Colorado Biblical University, Calvary University, and Southern California Seminary). He has served in several Pastoral and planting roles and has also held Faculty positions at the University of North Texas, Southern New Hampshire University, North Central Texas College, Iowa Central Community College, Grace Seminary, Southern Bible Institute, and Word of Life Bible Institute. As an Executive he has launched several publishing houses (Tyndale Seminary Press, Southern California Seminary Press, Calvary University Press, Exegetica Publishing, and Agathon University Press). He serves as a Contributing Expert, writing and reviewing for AI LLM training projects, and as the inaugural Executive Editor of the Journal of Transformative Learning and Leadership. His articles are published at, and he is the Author and General Editor of nineteen books, including:
– Foundations of Transformative Learning and Teaching:Principles and Strategies for Life-Changing Education
– Led By a Lion: Principles for Leadership and Their Biblical Roots
– Biblical Foundations of Psychology and Counseling (co-edited w/ Dr. Luther Smith)
– The Green Tree and the Hermeneutic Roots of Biblical Faith and Practice (co-edited w/ John Oglesby)
– Authentic Social Justice
– The Sofa Rule: A Biblical Approach to God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
– Priority in Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method
– Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy (co-edited w/ Dr. James Fazio)
– Life Beyond the Sun: Worldview and Philosophy Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes, 2nd Edition
– Applied Biblical Worldview: Essays on Christian Ethics
– Gifted: Understanding the Holy Spirit and Unwrapping Spiritual Gifts
– Integrating Exegesis and Exposition: Biblical Communication for Transformative Learning
– Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method
– An Introduction to the New Covenant
– Redacted Dominionism: A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental Responsibility
– A Concise Bible Survey: Tracing the Promises of God
– Dispensationalism Tomorrow and Beyond: A Theological Collection in Honor of Charles C. Ryrie
– Practical Aspects of Pastoral Theology
– Biblical Sufficiency Applied

Dr. Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD
Twitter: @drcone
Facebook: Christopher Cone
LinkedIn: Christopher Cone
Instagram: @dr.christopher.cone
Research, contextualization, systems development and assessment, teaching, public speaking, academic and professional writing, counseling, curriculum design and delivery, e-learning, instructional design and assessment, learning management systems.
Executive leadership, communications, mentoring, team-building, organizational and strategic planning, change management, entrepreneurship, project management, budgetary and finance, collaboration and partnership development, continuous improvement.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philosophy, University of North Texas, 2011. Dissertation: Redacted Dominionism: An Evangelical and Environmentally Sympathetic Reading of the Early Genesis Narrative.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology, Trinity School of Theology (Kerala, India), 2008. Dissertation: Prolegomena: A Survey and Introduction to Method in Theology, Beginning with Presuppositional Epistemology and Resulting in Normative Dispensational Theology.
Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Leadership and Administration, Regent University, 2005.
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.), Scofield Graduate School, 2005. Dissertation: The Promises of God: A Synthetic Bible Survey.
Master of Biblical Studies (M.B.S.), Scofield Graduate School, 1997.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.), Tyndale Biblical Institute, 1996.
Undergraduate Studies, Moody Bible Institute, 1992-94.
President, Research Professor of Transformative Learning and Leadership, Agathon University (formerly Colorado Biblical University and Vyrsity) Spring 2020 – Present.
Adjunct Faculty, Southern New Hampshire University, Spring 2023 – Present
Adjunct Faculty, Iowa Central Community College, Spring 2023 – Present
Guest Faculty, Word of Life Bible Institute, Fall 2017 – Present
President and CEO, Calvary University, Spring 2016 – Spring 2020.
Research Professor of Bible and Theology, Calvary University, Spring 2016 – Spring 2020.
Chief Academic Officer, Southern California Seminary, Summer 2014 – Spring 2016.
Research Professor of Bible and Theology, Southern California Seminary, Summer 2014 – Spring 2016.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Bible and Theology, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, 2014.
President and CEO, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Spring 2006 – Spring 2014.
Professor, Bible and Theology, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Spring 2005 – Spring 2014.
Teaching Fellow, Philosophy, University of North Texas, Summer 2007 – Summer 2010.
Adjunct Faculty, Philosophy, North Central Texas College, Spring 2007 – Spring 2008.
Adjunct Faculty, Education, North Central Texas College, Spring 2007 – Spring 2008.
Vice President of Development, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Spring 2005 – Spring 2006.
Dean of Online Studies, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Spring 2004 – Spring 2005.
Professor, Theology, Southern Bible Institute, Spring 1997 – Fall 1999.
Professor, Bible and Theology, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Spring 1997 – Fall 1999.
Biblical Hermeneutic Theory, Hebrew and Greek Exegetical Method and Exegesis, Contextual Exposition, Theological Communication, Comparative Religion.
Philosophy of Religion, Environmental Ethics, Mutual Interdependence of Theology, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Social-Political Thought, AI and LLM Training.
Transformative Learning and Leadership, Educational Administration and Leadership.
Led By a Lion: Principles for Leadership and Their Biblical Roots, Exegetica Publishing, 2023.
Biblical Foundations of Psychology and Counseling (co-edited w/Dr. Luther Smith), Exegetica Publishing, 2022.
The Green Tree and the Hermeneutic Roots of Biblical Faith and Practice (co-edited w/ John Oglesby), Exegetica Publishing, 2021.
Authentic Social Justice, Exegetica Publishing, 2020.
The Sofa Rule: A Biblical Approach to God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility, Exegetica Publishing 2019.
Priority in Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method, Exegetica Publishing, 2018.
Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy (co-edited w/ Dr. James Fazio), Southern California Seminary Press, 2017.
Integrando Exégesis y Exposición: Comunicación Bíblica Para un Aprendizaje Transformador (Spanish Edition), Exegetica Publishing, 2017.
Life Beyond the Sun: Worldview and Philosophy Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes, 2nd Edition, Exegetica Publishing, 2016.
Applied Biblical Worldview: Essays on Christian Ethics, Exegetica Publishing, 2016
Gifted: Understanding the Holy Spirit and Unwrapping Spiritual Gifts, Exegetica Publishing, 2015.
Introduction à l’herméneutique et à la méthode d’étude biblique, Publications Chrétiennes, 2015.
Integrating Exegesis and Exposition: Biblical Communication for Transformative Learning, Exegetica Publishing, 2015.
An Introduction to the New Covenant, General Editor, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2013.
Redacted Dominionism: A Biblical Approach to Grounding Environmental Responsibility, Wipf & Stock, 2012.
A Concise Bible Survey: Tracing the Promises of God, Exegetica Publishing, 2012.
Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2012.
The Bible in Government and Society, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2012.
The Biblical Doctrine of Satan, by Lewis Sperry Chafer, Editor, Exegetica Publishing, 2012.
Biblical Sufficiency Applied, General Editor, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2011.
Practical Aspects of Pastoral Theology, General Editor, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2009.
Life Beyond the Sun: An Introduction to Worldview and Philosophy Through the Lens of Ecclesiastes, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2009.
Dispensationalism Tomorrow and Beyond: A Theological Collection in Honor of Charles C. Ryrie, General Editor, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2007.
Prolegomena: Introductory Notes on Bible Study and Theological Method, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2007.
The Promises of God: A Synthetic Bible Survey, Exegetica Publishing, 2005.
Chapters, Contributions, and Articles
Various Articles,, Fall 2020 – Present.
“Editor’s Preface: A Brief Introduction to Transformative Learning” in Journal of Transformative Learning and Leadership, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2023: 7-11.
“A Biblical Methodology for Theology and Philosophy and Its Dispensational Outcomes” Journal of Ministry and Theology, Spring 2022.
“The Authority of Scripture and Hermeneutic Method as Historical and Continual Basis for Christian Unity and the Collaborative Avenues They Imply” Interdisciplinary Journal on Biblical Authority, Spring 2021.
“The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture and the Role of Extra-Biblical Resources in Transformational Learning and Teaching” Interdisciplinary Journal on Biblical Authority, Spring 2020.
“Is Christianity Bad for the Environment?” Baptist Bulletin, September-October 2019.
“A Worthwhile Investment” The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Fall 2019.
“Soli Deo Gloria as Pinnacle of Dispensationalism’s Sine Qua Non” Journal of Ministry and Theology, Spring 2018.
“Continuing the Conversation: Applying Lynn White Jr.’s Prescriptions for a Christian Environmental Ethic” in Religion and Ecological Crisis: The “Lynn White Thesis” at Fifty, Gen.Eds., Todd LeVasseur and Anna Peterson, Routledge Studies in Religion, 2016.
“1 Thessalonians” and “2 Thessalonians” in Introducing the New Testament Books, Paul Weaver, Gen. Ed., CIPP, 2015.
“What Does it Mean to Work Out Our Salvation?” in 21 Tough Questions About Grace, Grant Hawley, Gen. Ed., Bold Grace, 2015.
“Considering Higher Criticism: The Relationship of Authenticity to Authority” in Journal of Dispensational Theology, 16:47 (Apr. 2012).
“When Father Doesn’t Know Best” in Voice Magazine, August 2011.
“The History of Biblical/Scientific Creationism in the Church” in The Genesis Factor, Ron J. Bigalke Jr., Gen. Ed., Master Books, 2009.
“Hermeneutical Ramifications of Applying the New Covenant to the Church: An Appeal to Consistency” in Journal of Dispensational Theology, 13:40 (Dec. 2009).
“Measuring Pastoral Success With God’s Purpose in Mind” in Voice Magazine, August 2009.
“Dualism, Ontology and Pauline Authority” in Journal of Dispensational Theology, 12:36 (Aug. 2008).
“Presuppositional Dispensationalism” in Conservative Theological Journal, 10:29 (May 2006).
A Bible Handbook to the Acts of the Apostles, M.O. Couch, Ed., Kregel, 1997.
Executive Editor, Journal of Transformative Learning and Leadership (JTLL), 2022 – Present
Founder, Editorial Board, Interdisciplinary Journal on Biblical Authority (IJOBA), 2020.
Senior Editorial Committee, Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Biblical Literacy and Engagement Bible Exam Project, 2019-2020
Editorial Board, Journal of Dispensational Theology, 2015-2019.
Founder, Editorial Board, Southern California Seminary Press, 2015.
Founder, Editorial Board, Tyndale Seminary Press, 2007 – 2014.
Executive Editor, Journal of Dispensational Theology, 2006 – 2014.
Editor In Chief, The Evangelical Standard, 2004 – 2006.
“Matthew 1-14” WOLBI, New York, January 21-24, 2025.
“Integrating Hermeneutics and Homiletics” Doctoral Class, Grace Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana, November 4-8, 2024.
“Biblical Perspectives on Political Priorities” Duluth Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 3, 2024.
“Matthew 24:15-31” Duluth Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 2, 2024.
“The National/Individual Distinction as Pivot Point for Understanding the Applicability of Matthew 5-7 ” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Faith Baptist Seminary, Ankeny Iowa, September 17-19, 2024.
“Israelology” New Hope Conference, Florida, September 6-7, 2024.
“Matthew 15-28” WOLBI, Florida, February 6-9, 2024.
“Matthew 1-14” WOLBI, New York, January 23-26, 2024.
“1 John 3:11-18 – You Heard, You Know, Now Abide” Fort Collins Bible College Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, November 15, 2023.
“Romans 1-8” WOLBI, New York, November 4-7, 2023.
“Romans 9:25-33” “Romans 13:1-7” and “A Model for Engaging Culture” DBC Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 4-6, 2023.
“The Anti-Logic Tendency Of The Theological Interpretation Of Scripture: A Response To And Critique Of Chris Gousmett’s Review Of Christopher Cone And Redacted Dominionism” presented to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, at Shepherd’s Seminary, Cary, North Carolina, September 21,2023.
“Practical Principles for Curriculum and Educational Design” T4T Conference, Iowa Central Community College, Fort Dodge, Iowa, August 9, 2024.
“A Transformative Learning Model for Missional Training and Contextualized Program Development” Evangelical Missiological Society Meeting, March 11, 2023.
“Matthew 1-14” WOLBI, New York, January 31-February 3, 2023.
“Matthew 15-28” WOLBI, Florida, January 17-20, 2023.
“Romans 1-8” WOLBI, New York, November 1-4, 2022.
“Be a Man” Conference, BFC Men’s Retreat, Slidell, Louisiana, October 14-16, 2022.
“Differences in Ecclesiology” DBC Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 6, 2022.
“The Double Edged Sword of Dispensationalism: Destructive As Methodology, Constructive as Outcome” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, September 14, 2022.
“Why There Is and Is Not a Dispensational Hermeneutic” International Society of Biblical Hermeneutics Symposium, July 16, 2022.
Commencement Address, Grace Christian College, Grace Village, Quezon City, Philippines, June 10, 2022.
“The Role of Literal Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics in Discipleship” International Society of Biblical Hermeneutics Symposium, May 19, 2022.
“Sola Fide” and “Solus Christus”, Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 14-15, 2022.
Podcast Guest, “From the Mouths of Professionals” Whenever We’re Around Podcast, February 23, 2022.
“Explaining Critical Race Theory,” “Transformative Learning,” and “A Biblical Approach for Engaging Culture” CORE Conference, Bob Jones University, January 31-February 1, 2022.
“Matthew 1-13” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, January 25-28, 2022.
“Romans 1-8” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, December 2-5, 2021.
“Romans 1-8” Word of Life Bible Institute, Hudson, Florida, October 12-15, 2021.
“Authentic Social Justice,” and “Revelation 8-11,” DBC Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 7-8, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “Biblical Methodology and the Origin of Individual Civil Liberties” Stand Up For Truth with David Fiorazo, October 4, 2021.
“A Biblical Methodology for Theology and Philosophy” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, September 16, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “Hermeneutics ” and “The Theocratic Kingdom” Learn the Word Podcast with Paul Weaver, WOLBI, September 1, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “Ecclesiastes” Word Processing with Josiah Boyd, August 24, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “What is Authentic Social Justice?” Stand Up for Truth with David Fiorazo, July 20, 2021.
Commencement Address, Grace Christian College, Grace Village, Quezon City, Philippines, June 11, 2021.
Guest Lecture and Interview, “On Exegesis and Exposition,” Faith Theological Seminary, Ankeny, Iowa, June 9, 2021.
Podcast Guest, GotQuestions Podcast with Shea Houdman, May 3, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “Progressive Dispensationalism” Learn the Word Podcast with Paul Weaver, WOLBI, March 24, 2021.
“The Biblical Interconnection Between Racial Unity and Missiological Purpose” Evangelical Missiological Society Meeting, March 12, 2021, (Digital).
“Developing People, Mission, and Vision” Association of North American Missions, February 19, 2021.
Podcast Guest, “Dispensationalism” Learn the Word Podcast with Paul Weaver, WOLBI, February 15, 2021.
“The Pastoral Epistles” NHBC, Parrish, Florida, February 4-6, 2021.
“Matthew 1-13” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, January 26-29, 2021.
“Romans 1-8” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, December 7-10, 2020.
“Sola Scriptura: Why the Bible Matters and How to Use It” PBC Fall Conference, Wasilla, Alaska, November 7-8, 2020.
“Romans 1-8” Word of Life Bible Institute, Hudson, Florida, October 20-23, 2020.
“Grace in Politics: A Biblical Model for Effective Political Engagement” Free Grace Alliance National Conference, Woodlands, Texas, October 13, 2020.
“Isaiah 53: The Suffering and Triumphant Servant,” “Debate: Is Isaiah 14 Referring to Satan?” and “Ephesians 5:8-14: Walking as Children of the Light,” DBC Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, September 29 – October 2, 2020.
“The Biblical Origin of Individual Civil Liberties and Two Competing Views on Their Legitimacy and Implementation” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, September 16, 2020.
Podcast Guest, “Putting Surety in Security” Word Processing with Josiah Boyd, August 26, 2020.
Commencement Address, Grace Christian College, Grace Village, Quezon City, Philippines, August 22, 2020.
“Leading Through the Storm: Developing Organizational Agility” ANAM National Event, August 20, 2020.
“Systems of Theology: Calvinism and Arminianism” Heritage Lecture Series 2020, Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Hurst, Texas, June 12-13, 2020.
“A Biblical Model for Leading Through the Storm” LSR Seminar, VanAlstyne, Texas, June 9, 2020.
“Deconstructing Psychology” and “General Distinctives of this Approach: Psychology and Counseling as Disciplines Born from the Biblical Worldview” Calvary Leaders’ Conference, Calvary University, Kansas City, Missouri, February 17, 2020.
“Shepherding Like Jesus” and “Developing Pastors” Englewood Bible Conference, Englewood, Colorado, February 8, 2020.
“Matthew 1-14” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, January 27-31, 2020.
“The History of the Church” Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute Learning Center, NHBC, Parrish, Florida, January 23-25, 2020.
“3 Views on Law and Ethics” IFCA Regional Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, January 14, 2020.
“Romans 9-16” Word of Life Bible Institute, Hudson, Florida, November 24-26, 2019.
“3 Views on Law and Ethics” Ozark IFCA Regional Conference, Springfield Missouri, November 19, 2019.
“Romans 1-8” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, New York, November 5-8, 2019.
“The State of Biblical Hermeneutics” 2019 Center for Interdisciplinary Creation Studies Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 1, 2019.
“Strategies for Sustainable Service” 2019 Camp Pearl Pastors’ Conference, Reeves, Louisiana, October 21-23, 2019.
“Every Tribe, Tongue, and People: The Future of Race Relations and Social Justice Implications for Today” 2019 Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Kansas City, Missouri, September 18, 2019.
“Kingdom Through Culture: The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and its Cultural Appeal” Rocky Mountain IFCA Regional Conference, Fort Morgan, Colorado, September 9-10, 2019.
“Answering LGBTQ: A Biblical Teleological Argument for Identity, Gender, and Sexuality” 2019 Bible Faculty Summit, International Baptist College and Seminary, Tempe, Arizona, August 7, 2019.
“Why We Believe the Bible and Why It Matters” Answering Atheists Conference, Answers in Genesis, Petersburg, Kentucky, April 19. 2019.
“The Importance of the Six-Day Creation” Northeastern Colorado Creation Group, Fort Morgan, Colorado, April 11, 2019, and Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, Littleton, Colorado, April 12, 2019.
“Answering LGBTQ: A Biblical Perspective of Identity, Gender, and Sexuality” American Baptist Churches of the Central Region (FBC Ottowa), Ottowa, Kansas, March 25, 2019.
“The Acts 1:8 Model for Community and Global Engagement” Falcon Missions Conference, Falcon, Colorado, March 8-10, 2019, and Word of Grace Missions Conference, Raytown, Missouri, March 16-17, 2019.
“Leadership Training from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians” Budaka District, Uganda, March 19, 2019.
“Applying Creation: Biblical Usage of the Creation Account” Calvary University Christian Leaders Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, February 8, 2019.
“Prolegomena on Hermeneutics” Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute Learning Center, NHBC, Parrish, Florida, January 24-26, 2019.
“Haggai: Consider Your Ways” Piedmont International University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 14, 2018.
“Revelation 1-5” Word of Life Bible Institute, Schroon Lake, November 5-9, 2018.
“Redacted Dominionism: What is our Environmental Responsibility?” Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 3, 2018
“Matthew 5-7: The Character Required to Enter the Kingdom” Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 3, 2018.
“The Biblical Foundation for Education” ACTS Conference, Grandview Christian School, November 2, 2018.
“Why Dispensationalism Matters” Northern California IFCA Regional Conference, October 20, 2018.
“Improving Your Exegesis and Genre Awareness” Duluth Bible Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 4, 2018.
“Parallelism of Foreshadowing and Fulfillment: Considering Affinity and Dissimilarity in Johannine and Matthean Usage” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Southern California Seminary, El Cajon, California, September 19, 2018.
“The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture and the Role of Extra-Biblical Resources in Transformative Teaching and Learning” The Bible Faculty Summit, 2018, Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, August 1, 2018.
“Authority of Scripture and Hermeneutic Method as Historical and Continual Bases for Christian Unity and the Collaborative Avenues They Imply” The Florovsky Week Symposium, Newman University, Wichita, Kansas, July 11, 2018.
“Examining the Reliability of the New Testament,” and “Jesus in a Pluralistic World,” Beth Haven Apologetics Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 2, 2018.
“Overcoming Obstacles in Organizational Development,” “Communicating Good News to Millennials and iGens,” “How and Why I Write,” Panel on Diversity and Ministry, ANAM National Forum, Kansas City, Missouri, April 17-19, 2018.
“What is Hermeneutics and Why it Matters,” “Biblical Principles for Counseling,” “Counseling from the Book of Romans,” and “Counseling from the Book of Proverbs” Jansen Bible Conference, Jansen Nebraska, April 6-8, 2018.
“Prophecy and the Biblical Worldview,” “A Case Study in Biblical Prophecy and Personal Growth,” and “Refining Hope: Knowing and Applying Biblical Prophecy,” IFCA Heartland Prophecy Conference, SBC, Kansas City, Missouri, February 23-25, 2018.
“Assurance in 1 Peter” FGA Engaging Grace Conference, Calvary University, Kansas City, Missouri, January 31, 2018.
“Ancient World History” Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute Learning Center, NHBC, Parrish, Florida, January 26-28, 2018.
“AI ‘Seven-Year-Old Boy’ Bot Teaches Us About Our Creator,” Answers in Genesis, Petersburg, Kentucky, November 7, 2017.
“Hermeneutics and Apparent Contradictions” Outpour Conference, Calvary University, Kansas City, Missouri, October 19, 2017.
“Grace, Sanctification, and the Definitive Characteristics of a Biblical Discipleship Model” Free Grace Alliance National Meeting, Arlington, Texas, October 17, 2017.
“Understanding the New Covenant” Duluth Bible Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 5, 2017.
“2 Corinthians 5:6-10 – Courage for the Here and Now Because of the There and Then” Duluth Bible Conference, Duluth, Minnesota, October 4, 2017.
“Developing a Biblical Worldview” FBC Conference, Falcon, Colorado, September 22-24, 2017..
“Soli Deo Gloria as Pinnacle of the Sine Qua Non,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Clarks Summit University, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, September 12-14, 2017.
“The Bible Unleashed,” IFCA National Youth Convention, Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, June 27-29, 2017.
“Always Be Reforming,” IFCA National Convention, Kalamazoo, Michigan, June 26, 2017.
“The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts” Intensive Course, Tyndale Theological Seminary, DFW, Texas, June 16-17, 2017.
“Battle for the Beginning: Competing Origin Theories,” Beth Haven Creation Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 12, 2017.
“Principles for Exegesis and Exposition,” IFCA Chicago Regional Conference, Mendota, Illinois, May 8, 2017.
“Taste and See Apologetics: Communicating Biblical Worldview with Millennials and iGens,” Calvary Pastors’ Conference 2017, Kansas City, Missouri, April 20, 2017.
“#Gifted: Understanding the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts,” Cultivate Youth Conference 2017, Kansas City, Missouri, April 7-8, 2017.
“Canon of Scripture and Textual Criticism,” (3-day intensive course) Tyndale Learning Center (NHBC), Tampa, Florida, January 26-28, 2017.
“Why Worldview is Important and How to Do It Biblically” presented to the Heart of America IFCA Regional Conference, Bonner Springs, Kansas, January 9, 2017.
“Biblical Patterns for Revitalization and Outreach” presented to the Kansas IFCA Regional Conference, Rose Hill, Kansas, November 15, 2016.
“Biblical Patterns for Pastoral Discipleship” presented to the Central Illinois IFCA Regional Conference, Sutter Salem, Illinois, November 14, 2016.
“The Greek Particle” presented to the Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 12, 2016.
“Undergirding Versus Integrating: Where Biblical Truth Fits in Education” presented to ACSI Professional Development Forum, O’Fallon, Missouri, October 14, 2016.
“The Hebrews Warning Passages: Why They Matter and What They Say” presented to the Free Grace Alliance National Conference, Arlington, Texas, October 11, 2016.
“Biblical Worldview,” (3-day intensive course) Tyndale Learning Center (NHBC), Tampa, Florida, October 6-8, 2016.
“Foreshadowing and Fulfillment: The New Testament Use of the Old Testament in John” presented to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana, September 15, 2016.
“The Role and Challenges of Education in Preparing for Ministry,” Heart of America Regional Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, September 12, 2016.
“Determining Truth: Epistemological Foundations of the Biblical Worldview,” “What? Why? and What’s Next?: The Metaphysical Components of the Biblical Worldview,” and “So What? The Ethical Implications of the Biblical Worldview.” Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 20-22, 2016.
“Go From This Moment and Do Small Things,” Commencement Address, Southern California Seminary, May 14, 2016.
“The Magnificent Seven: Formats for Communicating Biblical Content,” Calvary Pastors’ Conference, Kansas City, MO, April 22, 2016.
“The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts,” Tyndale Seminary Learning Center, Tampa, Florida (NHBC), January 28-30, 2016.
“The Koine Greek Sentence” Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 7, 2015.
“A Standard for Assessing Hermeneutic Models” Beth Haven Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, November 6, 2015.
“The Church at Ephesus as a Case Study in Safeguarding the Institution from Worldview Drift” TRACS National Conference, Arlington, Texas, October 29, 2015.
“1 John 2:2 – Does Grace Extend to Everyone?” Free Grace Alliance National Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 13, 2015.
“Five Methodological and Hermeneutical Bases for the Distinction Between Israel and the Church” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Summit University, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, September 16, 2015.
“Biblical Study Method as Basis for a Biblical Worldview” Conference of Kosciol Wolnych Chrzescijan Palowice, Poland, August 27-30, 2015.
“Foundations and Models of Ethical Systems” Guest Lecture, Asuza Pacific University, for Dr. Gino Pasquariello, August 6, 2015.
“Considering Whether the Revelatory Functions in 1 Corinthians 13 Have Ceased or Not” Faculty Symposium on the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts, Southern California Seminary, July 27, 2015.
“Biblical Ethics: Living as a Christian in a Post-Christian Society” Tyndale Theological Seminary, June 19-20, 2015.
“Survey of Christianity: A Textual/Narrative Approach” Guest Lecture, San Diego State University, World Religions, for Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, April 23, 2015.
“Survey of Christianity: A Worldview Approach” Guest Lecture, San Diego State University, World Religions, for Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, April 21, 2015.
“The Genesis Account as Early Model for Scriptural Hermeneutics” Symposium on Scripture, Hermeneutics, and Language, San Diego State University, April 2015.
“John 14: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, and Believe” San Diego Christian College, Gospel of John, for Dr. Brian Moulton, April 7, 2015.
“Dispensationalism: Israel and the Church” Wilton BBC Spring Conference, February 2015.
“Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method,” Tyndale Seminary Learning Center, Tampa, Florida (NHBC), February 2015.
“Foundations of the Faith,” Cornerstone Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2014.
“Why I Am Not a Calvinist…Or An Arminian,” National Conference of the Free Grace Alliance, Dallas, Texas, October 2014.
“Biblically Derived Premillennialism as a Necessary Condition for a Biblical Socio-Political Model,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Kansas City, Missouri, September 2014.
“Metodología Teológica,” Seminario Teológico Hebrón, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 2014.
“Biblical Ethics: The Christian Life in a Post-Christian Society,” Community Bible Church Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana March 2014.
“Epistemological Grounding of Dispensationalism,” Southern California Seminary, El Cajon, California, March 2014.
“The Importance of Hermeneutics for Solving Theological Challenges,” Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon, California, March, 2014.
“Epistemological Foundations of a Biblical Theology,” Chafer Seminary Conference, Houston, Texas, 2014.
“Biblical Patterns of Discipleship,” Southwood Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2014.
“First and Second Thessalonians,” Word of Life Bible Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.
“Une vision du monde façonnée par la Bible,” C.A.R.O Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, 2013
“The Hermeneutical Roots of Our Soteriological Crisis,” Conference of the Free Grace Alliance, Dallas, Texas, 2013.
“Dispensationalism’s Feet of Iron Mixed With Clay: How We Arrived at an Open-But-Cautious View on Non-Cessationism,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, 2013.
“A Case Study in Replacement Theology: The New Covenant,” Cornerstone Spring Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2013.
“Educating Students for Spiritual Maturity,” Hillsdale Bible Conference, Hillsdale, Oklahoma, 2013.
“Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method,” Southwood Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2013.
“Essential or Nonessential? The Significance of Replacement Theology,” Cornerstone Spring Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2013.
“Biblical Exegesis and Exposition,” SIBIMA, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2013.
“Christianity and the State: Biblical Perspectives on Socio-Political Issues,” Gulf Bible Conference, Gulf Coast, Mississippi, 2012.
“Integrating Exegesis and Exposition: Preaching and Teaching for Spiritual Independence,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Houston, Texas, 2012.
“Biblical Prophecy, Hermeneutics and Alternative Fuels,” Cornerstone Spring Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2012.
“Considering Metaphysical Presuppositions in Environmental Thought,” Dallas Philosophers Forum, Dallas, Texas, 2012.
“Thinking Biblically: Developing and Guarding a Biblical Mindset in a Postmodern World,” Gulf Bible Conference, Gulf Coast, Mississippi, 2011.
“Considering The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Church in Relation to the New Covenant,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, 2011.
“A Critique of Rob Bell’s Love Wins,” Journal of Dispensational Theology Conference, Miamisburg, Ohio, 2011.
“Hermeneutical Ramifications of Applying the New Covenant to the Church: An Appeal to Consistency,” Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, 2010.
“The Judgments of the Lord,” Cebu Christian Council on Prophetic Conferences, Bangkok, Thailand, Cebu, Philippines, and Malaybalay, Philippines, 2010.
“Environmental Considerations in Dispensational Theology,” Journal of Dispensational Theology Conference, Arlington, Texas, 2010.
“Diligence in the Spiritual Life,” Cornerstone Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2010.
“Purity in the Spiritual Life,” Cornerstone Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2010.
“Discipling and the Spiritual Life,” Cornerstone Bible Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 2010.
“The Abrahamic Covenant,” Hark Ministries Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, 2010.
Philosophy, Undergraduate
PHI101 (ICCC) Intro to Philosophy
PHI145 (ICCC) Intro to Ethical Conflict
PHL210 (SNHU) Intro to Philosophy
PHIL1050 (UNT) Intro to Philosophy
PHIL1101 (V/CBU) Intro to Critical Thinking
PHIL1103 (V/CBU) Reading Comprehension and Understanding
PHIL1301 (NCTC) Intro to Philosophy
PHIL1302 (TTS) Major World Philosophies
PHIL1400 (UNT) Contemporary Moral Issues
PHIL1407 (V/CBU) Transformative Systems of Thought
PHIL2050 (UNT) Intro to Logic
RP341/TH341 (CU) Ethics
Philosophy, Graduate
APOL5201 (TTS) Apologetics and Worldview
APOL5301 (TTS) Advanced Apologetics
APOL5310 (TTS) Biblical Worldview
APOL7301 (TTS) Advanced Worldview
PH503 (SCS) History of Philosophy and Worldviews
PHIL5101 (V/CBU) Worldview and Bases of Critical Thinking
PHIL5303 (V/CBU) Ancient Pedagogical Literature
PHIL5501 (V/CBU) Systems of Thought
PHIL7101 (V/CBU) Comparative Worldview and Systems of Thought
PHIL7310 (TTS) Seminar in Metaphysics
PHIL7311 (TTS) Seminar in Epistemology
PHIL7321 (TTS) Seminar in Ethics
RP601(CU) Biblical Philosophy and Worldview
Biblical Studies, Undergraduate
BIBL1301 (TTS) Prolegomena: Intro to Bible and Theology
BIBL2302 (TTS) Hermeneutics
Bible Exposition Courses (TTS / SBI / WOLBI, CU, CBU, all books of the Bible)
BI459 (CU) Advanced Hermeneutics
Biblical Studies, Graduate
BIBL5301 (TTS) Advanced Prolegomena
BIBL5302 (TTS) Advanced Hermeneutics
BIBL5303/BI500 (TTS/SCS) Bible Survey
BIBL 5311 (TTS) Old Testament Introduction I
BIBL 6311 (TTS) New Testament Introduction I
BIBL 6312 (TTS) New Testament Introduction II
BIBL 6313 (TTS) New Testament Introduction III
BI607 (CU) Biblical Hermeneutics and Inductive Bible Study
BI620 (CU) New Testament Overview I (Gospels and Revelation)
BI635 (CU) Analysis of Romans
BI701 (CU) Advanced Hermeneutics and Theological Method
Bible Exposition Courses (TTS, Various Books of the Bible)
LANG5101 (V/CBU) Languages for Interdisciplinary Research
Theology, Undergraduate
THEO2301 (TTS) Survey of Theology I
THEO3302 (TTS) Survey of Theology II
THEO4303 (TTS) Survey of Theology III
HIST1301 (TTS) Church History I
HIST2301 (TTS) Church History II
GEDU3303 (TTS) Comparative Religion
Theology, Graduate
TH508 (SCS) Comparative Systems of Theology
THEO5311 (TTS) Systematic Theology I
THEO5312 (TTS) Systematic Theology II
THEO5313 (TTS) Systematic Theology III
THEO5314 (TTS) Systematic Theology IV
Systematic Theology I-IV (SBI)
THEO5322 (TTS) Canon and Criticism
THEO8370 (TTS) Readings in Charles Ryrie
HIST5301 (TTS) Survey of Church History
Pastoral and Counseling, Graduate
ANTH5311 (TTS) Analysis of Counseling Ministry
ANTH5371 (TTS) Biblical Counseling from the Book of Proverbs
ANTH6307 (TTS) Biblical Principles of Counseling
PAST5301 (TTS) Analysis of Pastoral Ministry
PAST5303 (TTS) Principles of Christian Discipleship
PAST6301 (TTS) Pastoral Discipleship
PAST7301 (TTS) Exegesis to Exposition
PM701 (SCS) Homiletics
Education and General Education, Undergraduate
TECA1311 (NCTC) Intro to Early Childhood Education
GEDU1301 (TTS) Reading, Writing, and Research
GEDU4302 (TTS) Ancient World History
General Education, Graduate
GEDU5311 (TTS) Advanced Research Methods
Thesis and Dissertation Advising (TTS)
Education and Leadership, Graduate
EDUC5103 (V/CBU) Leadership Communications
EDUC5703 (V/CBU) Principles of Organizational Leadership
PSYC5101 (V/CBU) Learning Theory
Member, Steering Committee, Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, 2015 – Present.
Member, Executive Council, Free Grace Alliance, 2016 – 2018.
Member, American Philosophical Association, 2011 – 2012.
Federal Bureau of Prisons Volunteer (Religious Services), Federal Correctional Institution, Fort Worth, Texas, 2010 – 2014.
Toulouse Graduate Tuition Scholarship, The University of North Texas, 2010.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 2008.
The National Scholars Honor Society, 2008.
Dean’s Scholarship, School of Education, Regent University, 2004 – 2006.
Tyndale Association of Bible Teachers, 1996.