communication, education, slide stacks
This presentation was delivered to the Association of Christian Teachers and Christian School Regional Educators Convention, Grandview Christian School, Grandview, Missouri, November, 2, 2018. Educating and Communication with the iGeneration considers some Biblical...
hermeneutics, slide stacks, worldview
Dispensationalism is perceived as irrelevant, because dispensationalists have become inconsistent, and the distinctive method and message is often indiscernible. In this presentation (delivered to the IFCA Northern California Regional Conference near Sacramento, CA),...
gender, sexuality, slide stacks
This presentation discusses how God has designed women, her value, her ministries, and her responsibilities. As fellow heirs in Christ, and as created in the image of God, women are indeed incredible. Here is a Biblical perspective on the privilege and responsibility...
bible overviews, slide stacks
These slides accompany Dr. Cone’s presentation on Hebrews 7-9, delivered to the Duluth Pastors’ Conference. The presentation is intended to help people think through how these chapters fit in the overall context of Hebrews, and to help them understand the...
exegesis/exposition, hermeneutics, slide stacks
There is a logic undergirding Biblical hermeneutics and the process of applying hermeneutic principles in exegesis. These slides accompany Dr. Cone’s presentation to the Duluth Pastors’ Conference, intended to help prepare people for consistently applying...
church revitalization, ecclesiology
Looking for a new church can be an exciting process, but it can also be discouraging and even frustrating. Here are 10 questions that may help you work through that process – 5 you should ask before you leave your current fellowship, and 5 you should ask before you...
counseling, psychology, slide stacks, worldview
Presented to students at the Calvary University Innovation Center (Fort Morgan, CO) on September 5, 2018. This presentation examines (1) the framework of worldview, (2) how worldview undergirds psychology, and (3) basic models of counseling that are derived from the...